Time To Check The Levels

Time to check the levels

This artwork is a memory of the very first epileptic seizure I had at a teenage high school party. Strangely I remember snippets of the seizure, how they dragged me in a room. They through me in an ice-cold bath. There were fingers in my mouth. Every time I gained consciousness, they violently pinned me down on the bed and read scriptures out of the Bible. I remember how they pulled my hair down. The next morning, they told me I was possessed with Satan. By Monday the whole school new. I was crowned as the Possessed Girl. My parents found out, but I never went to a neurologist or were medicated. The belief that epilepsy is caused by demonic possession or supernatural forces is a misconception rooted in ancient history and cultural superstitions. This perception has persisted in various societies and cultures, often leading to significant stigma and misunderstanding about the condition.

Historically, epilepsy was poorly understood. In many ancient cultures, people attributed seizures to the influence of supernatural forces or the presence of evil spirits. For example, in ancient Greece, epilepsy was known as the "sacred disease" and was thought to be a result of divine intervention. Similarly, in medieval Europe, epilepsy was often associated with witchcraft or demonic possession, leading to persecution and mistreatment of those afflicted.

The belief in a supernatural origin for epilepsy can be damaging. It contributes to social stigma, discrimination, and isolation of individuals with epilepsy. People with epilepsy may be feared, ostracised, or subjected to harmful practices aimed at "exorcising" the supposed evil spirits. This stigma can prevent individuals from seeking proper medical treatment, further exacerbating their condition and reducing their quality of life.

  • Time To Check The Levels
  • Nathani Lüneburg
  • 2024
  • Digital painting, illustration and photomontage
  • 1 of 5
  • 42 x 27.87
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