
Through the works  Elysium  and Paschal,

 I explore the delicate balance between human intervention and the natural world through the lens of genetic modification in plants. By superimposing various flowers, I aim to question the notion of "enhancing" nature. Are we truly improving the beauty of these organisms, or are we distorting their inherent essence? The blending of flowers represents the convergence of nature and human desires, reflecting both the allure and the risks of altering life itself. What drives our need to manipulate the natural world—curiosity, control, or a desire to perfect? As we reshape the beauty of nature, we must consider the potential consequences: could these alterations irreparably change the delicate ecosystems we depend on, or even ourselves? Through this piece, I invite viewers to reflect on the ethical implications of tampering with the very fabric of life.

  • Paschal
  • Anina Deetlefs
  • 2025
  • Oil On Board
  • 46 x 34 centimeters
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