Over Many A Quaint And Curious Volume Of Forgotten Lore

Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore

The artwork reflects a day for me without an epileptic seizure. A good day without a seizure significantly reduces anxiety. The constant hyper-vigilance that often accompanies epilepsy is temporarily lifted, allowing for a more relaxed and calm state of mind. Experiencing a day without seizures boost confidence and self-assurance. It reinforces the ability to handle daily life and achieve goals despite the challenges posed by epilepsy. Overall, my mood is elevated. The absence of seizures contributes to a more stable and positive emotional state, allowing for greater enjoyment of life's activities and interactions.

  • Over Many A Quaint And Curious Volume Of Forgotten Lore
  • Nathani Lüneburg
  • 2024
  • Digital painting, illustration and photomontage
  • 1 of 5
  • 118.9 x 82.76
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