Mourning What You Are Taking Away From Me

Mourning what you are taking away from me

This artwork symbolises my mourning process of not being able to bring a child into the world because of the illnesses I have. Natty the giraffe serves as a metaphor since giraffe females mourn their dead calves’ female giraffes like many mammals, form a strong maternal bond with their calves. This bond ensures the mother invests significant time and energy into the care and protection of her offspring. The death of a calf represents a profound loss of this bond, prompting mourning behaviours as the mother processes this emotional upheaval.

  • Mourning What You Are Taking Away From Me
  • Nathani Lüneburg
  • 2024
  • Digital painting, illustration and photomontage
  • 1 of 5
  • 30.12 x 23.5
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