Flower Cryogenic Pod Life Extension: Queen Of The Night Flower

Artist statement: 

The topic of Floral Illusions: The Art of Non-Existence. Inspired me to question the role of humans in the manipulation of nature. I thought to myself hypothetically 'What If' you took the rarest flower in the world, the Queen of the night, which has a life span of 24 hours. 'What if' you were able to extend its life indefinitely, would the value of the flower increase or decrease?. Would the flower cease to be as beautiful because all can now witnesses it's rare bloom. If this technology existed would humans use it?... I believe the beauty of nature is that it's not permanent and life is more special when you know you have limited time.

  • Flower Cryogenic Pod Life Extension: Queen Of The Night Flower
  • Justin Bergh
  • 2025
  • multimedia sculpture, polymer clay, aluminium
  • 1 of 1
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